The Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG) is a measure of customer satisfaction in the Singapore economy. As a qualitative measure of customer satisfaction, the CSISG compliments the other traditional measures of economic output such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), to provide a more holistic picture of the Singapore economy.

The CSISG was jointly developed by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU (ISE) and the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). The CSISG methodology is essentially the localised version of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), which was developed by the National Quality Research Centre (NQRC) at the University of Michigan.

The CSISG benefits all organisations who want to improve their companies' current conditions by effectively allocating resources to maximise the strength of their customer relationships. The CSISG is a reliable diagnostic tool which identifies the most appropriate driver(s) of customer satisfaction, which in turn drives customer loyalty and sustainable profitability for the organisation. The CSISG methodology is also a robust benchmarking tool that will help determine competitive gaps between companies across sectors and sub-sectors. The CSISG benefits investors who need to understand the relationship between a company's current and future capacity to be sustainable and to generate wealth. Ultimately, a company who satisfies their customers' needs is being rewarded with repeated business from loyal customers, as well as new business from new customers.

The CSISG uses a multi-equation, econometric model to estimate index score at company level, then aggregated to sub-sector, followed by sector level and finally to the national level using GDP as the sector weights.

Data is collected using face to face interviews by qualified interviewers from marketing research firms. Customers of companies with significant revenue shares were sampled randomly (age 18 to 84) with the sample's demographic profile similar to that of the Singapore population. The respondent is asked questions about their cumulative experience from the use of products and services purchased within specified, recent time periods.

Companies can subscribe to the CSISG to receive confidential information about themselves and industry competitors that will provide valuable insights on the drivers and outcomes of satisfaction.

Companies not included in the CSISG can obtain an index of their own. However this will not be part of the publicly released CSISG. These companies can engage ISE for CSISG Custom Research that will use the same methodology and their scores can be used to benchmark with the industry, and best-in-class companies across sectors and sub-sectors.

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