Why Choose ISE Programmes?

To understand the most pressing learning needs of our professional workforce, ISE takes a customer-centric and data-driven approach to develop our suite of executive programmes. Each one of ISE’s learning modules has been carefully curated by our experienced faculty and expert facilitators to provide you with the most relevant and applicable curriculum today. Our researchers seek to infuse the latest and most pertinent insights into each module’s learning objectives. 


ISE’s unique ability to do this stems from its substantial research knowledgebase in the service quality and customer experience domains, and its extensive partnerships between academia, industry, and government. 

We hope you take an opportunity to review our programme offerings and the many benefits the ISE executive programme confers. 

Highly Subsidised Fees

Maximum funding of up to 90% of course fees available.

Highly Interactive Learning Experience

Our programme combine lectures, case studies, group discussions, and interactive activities to deepen participants’ understanding of the subject and are facilitated by faculty whom are specialists in the subject matter.

Optimised Teaching Ratio

Our programmes are conducted in an intimate size, to facilitate in-depth conversations and active engagement.

Conducive Out-of-office Environment

Our programmes are held in a centralised venue with meals provided and serves as a good break from your daily hustle and bustle.

Networking Opportunities

Our participants come from many different industries, bringing diverse experience into your network.

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