Providing Solutions



Move beyond mystery audits and feedback forms. Understand and leverage customer insights to improve your business performance.

Optimised for Fashion Retailers and F&B Operators, the Customer Analytics Platform (CAP) is an online tool that will allow you to measure and benchmark your customers' satisfaction levels dynamically and in a data-driven fashion.

Developed based on the national Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG) methodology, CAP provides both the data collection survey component and comprehensive analytics dashboards for management decision-making.

CAP will help you:

  • Dynamically understand your customer satisfaction performance
  • Benchmark your performance against sector averages and competitors
  • Identify attributes with the most impact on customer satisfaction
  • Evaluate how you should prioritise your resources
  • Compare performance across stores 

What do you get?

Up to 80% subsidy on EDG
Up to 80% subsidy on EDG
A real-time dashboard
A real-time dashboard
Mobile-friendly survey links
Mobile-friendly survey links
On-boarding training for employees
On-boarding training for employees
Technical Support
Technical Support
Training Manual
Training Manual
Recommendations for improvement
Recommendations for improvement


All of our research, initiatives, and programmes are intended to help businesses level up their capabilities in its operations and talent management.

Use analytics to diagnose your customers' experience with the Customer Analytics Platform (CAP).  For Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), you may also take advantage of the substantial grants for your talent up-skilling through the Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS) scheme. More information can be found below.

We would love to hear from you.

Contact us

The Institute can also support your business with:

  • Bespoke research programmes tailored to your specific requirements
  • Connections to the University's multi-disciplinary faculty for expert consulting
  • Partnerships with the University's student programmes to solve your most pressing issues

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