Dr Raymond Teo

Dr Raymond Teo


Adjunct Faculty, Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Singapore Management University

Click here for full CV.

Please share your belief(s) in the subject matter(s) you are facilitating in a few sentences.

Companies are facing intense competition these days and yet, they need to out-manoeuvre their competitors to grow. The way to do this is by leveraging on data interpretation.

What inspires you to do what you do now?

I have been an analytics practitioner for the past twenty years, helping the largest companies compete more effectively. As a consultant, I felt that only my clients will benefit from my work. I then choose to impart my knowledge through facilitating workshops, where the reach is wider and more companies can reap the benefits of the analytical approaches.

Please share a memorable experience/ takeaways you have had from our workshops

My greatest takeaway from these workshops is to see my participants grow in their career through their improved analytical skills. I ran two workshops for participants who were retrenched because of the Covid-19 pandemic. I had to reskill them in the field of analytics. It was challenging because of their lack of prior analytical experience but it is most meaningful for me to be able to help them.

If you are not a facilitator, you will be…..

I would spend more time in other meaningful activities to help others grow, such as being more involved in analytical skills development for undergraduates.

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