Retirees, housewives less satisfied with taxis, private-hire cars in 2022

The 2022 Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore published by the SMU Institute of Service Excellence (ISE) found that students, housewives, retirees and the unemployed are significantly less satisfied with using taxis and private-hire services to get around in 2022 than they were in 2021. But public buses and the MRT managed to maintain their customer satisfaction score at 2021 levels. This is part of a larger annual study that started in 2007 which covers various industry sectors. Neeta Lachmandas, Executive Director of ISE, said the scores for taxis and private-hire cars would have been affected by the smaller number of such vehicles on the road and the higher fees charged by the operators. She added that those who are not working "presumably have a smaller tolerance for such discretionary spending".

The Straits Times, pA13

The Straits Times Online

Related: Taxis and private-hire cars: students, unemployed less satisfied

Tamil Murasu, p4

Students, housewives and retirees are less satisfied with taxis and private-hire cars: Study

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