Survey: Consumer satisfaction with the retail industry has declined this year

The SMU Institute of Service Excellence (ISE) released the Q1 2022 Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG) survey results for the Info-Communications and Retail sectors which revealed consumer satisfaction with the retail industry has declined this year, whilst the infocomm  sector reversed the trend of declining satisfaction in the previous two years. Nothing a decline in omnichannel shopping during the recent period, ISE Executive Director Neeta Lachmandas noted that it is still a very strong trend that is expected to continue, and that the decline may simply be a reflection of pent-up demand from consumers in the past.

Lianhe Zaobao, p7 (Jul 9) 

Zaobao Online (Jul 9)


Related: Customer satisfaction with the retail sector worsens

Singapore Business Review (Jul 9) 

Singapore Business Review (Jul 9)

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