Mr John Hamalian

Mr John Hamalian


Trainer; Consultant; Owner
Organisational Excellence
Lean Enterprise Southeast Asia

Click here for full CV.

Please share your belief(s) in the subject matter(s) you are facilitating in a few sentences.

The new Digital Age embraces a fast-paced, customer-driven and change-orientated approach, yet we are still saddled with many old, rigid and linear practices leftover from the Industrial Age. 

To be successful in the New Age we need to adopt New Thinking and New Working.

In my view, changing the way we Think and Work not only helps our organisations' performance but also helps us improve ourselves and society at large, enabling each of us to do our part in making the world a better place.

What inspires you to do what you do now?

It is so invigorating to be in the dynamic areas of innovation, change and transformation, and to be able to share my learnings with individuals and organisations.  Helping others improve is the privilege of a lifetime.

Please share a memorable experience you had from your facilitations thus far

I get goosepimples when learners say that they are able to apply their learnings to their jobs, or that a class helped change their lives.  I remember one learner of Experimental Thinking said, "this really helps me think clearly about what I wanna do next, I mean I have been doing the same job for half my life.  I need to step out of my comfort zone and do other things but I was afraid before".  These kinds of experiences are precious and remind us of the positive impact we can have on people and organisations. 

If you are not a facilitator, you will be…..

a Coach. Coaching teams through actual improvement journeys helps to reinforce the concepts conveyed in the facilitation, and also provides a learning loop back to the facilitation by sharing real-world examples of Service Excellence in action. 

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